Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Women's Ordination and the Doctrine of the Trinity.

I recently ran across a podcast where a conservative Lutheran claimed that a logical outcome of supporting women's ordination in the church was denial of the doctrine of the Trinity. That is, if you believed that women should be allowed to become preachers, you were inevitably going to deny God as one God in Three Persons.

I've heard this argument before from folks in the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (LC-MS). It goes like this. Jesus only called men to his ministry. If you thumb your nose at Jesus by supporting women's ordination, you are, the argument goes, inevitably saying that you deny his being the Son of God and just an ignore-able philosopher.

Oh my. Such an inflammatory position, and an illogical case in that one could make exactly the same position that anyone who disagrees with you is denying the Trinity. Here's an example: I oppose the Iraq War because of the Sermon on the Mount. I'm saying something clearly based on Jesus' teachings. If you thumb your nose at Jesus by supporting the invasion of Iraq (2003 or 2006), then, the illogical rant goes, you are inevitably denying his being the Son of God and just an ignore-able philosopher.

Is there a less-inflammatory justification offered by LC-MS'ers for the connection of female preaching and trinity heresies? I'd like to see it.

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