Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How to make a zombie in blender

This is more an animation of zombification than a zombie animation, per se. I wasn't intending originally to look for ways to make creepy things, I sort of stumbled upon it while trying out some other blender features.

Here is how to do it:
TOOLS: MakeHuman, Blender 2.46, Python 2.5.
CONCEPT: Do a cloth simulation of the "flesh" of a character, deflected against its "bones".

1) Make a character in Makehuman.
2) Export as COL.
3) In blender, Import a Collada 1.4 (*.dae) file. You should get a view of your figure in blender.
4) Shift-D to create a duplicate of your character.
5) G and X 25 to move the duplicate 25 units to the right.
6) Select the character you moved to the right. Tab to enter edit mode.
7) Go to the materials button, select the meshes associated with the bones texture.
8) G and X 25 to move the bones mesh 25 units to the right.
9) Go to the Left character. Tab to enter edit mode.
10) Go to the materials button, select the meshes associated with the bones texture.
11) G and X 25 to move the bones mesh 25 units to the right.
12) Now you're going to want to delete the meshes associated with the leftmost bones and the rightmost flesh. Do it by selecting, Tab to enter Edit Mode, then B to box select, X to delete vertices. Do that for each of leftmost bones and rightmost flesh.
13) Go to the bones. Set them as a physics cloth-- deflection only.
14) Go to the flesh. Set them up as a cloth-- choose silk. Consider turning down the gravity to -4 or -2 instead of -9.81.
15) Now select the bones. G and X -50 to make it lie in the same space as (actually underneath) the flesh.
16) Now select the flesh object.
17) Crtl B to bake it.
18) You will see zombification happen before your eyes!

Zombie! from pterandon on Vimeo.

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