Thursday, July 27, 2006

Criminalization of the Good Samaritan: Lutherans chime in on immigration

I received the July-August 2006 newsletter, "Sharing", of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod's "World Relief and Human Care" agency. The LC-MS'ers are by the way the more conservative of the two main bodies of Lutheranism in the U.S.

The newsletter contains the "Executive Director Notes" where the guy talks about immigration. Rev. Matthew Harrison says:
"Christians equally committed to God's Word may reasonably arrive at different conclusions on specific aspects of these issuse and their resolution. However, this much is certain: God, in His Word, consistently shows His loving concern for the 'stranger in our midst and directs His people to do the same...
Meanwhile, in order to fulfill our Christian obligation, we also request that the charitable act of providing assistance to undocumented aliens not otherwise engaged in illegal activity not be criminalized ipso facto. We pray that appropriate solutions may be found, so that our assistance to those in need can also include helping persons become legal residents and citiznes of this land of freedom and opportunity in which God has so richly blessed us."
I previously showed here how the lobbying arm of the National Association of Evangelicals took a similar stance. The question remains, therefore, as to which church bodies are in favor of the ipso facto criminalization. And how can we witness to these mistaken brothers and sisters, and how can we reduce their influence on the Republican Party.

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