I noted with some irony how much interest the right wingers on talk radio were taking in the election for Democratic Majority leader in the House of Representatives. I noted how much airtime Sean Hannity was devoting to an attack on Murtha. Murtha has been an outspoken critic of the Iraq War. That got me wondering.
I looked at the voting
ratings provided by "Project Vote Smart-- NARAL Pro-Choice America". If NARAL likes a politician's voting record, that means they are pro-choice on abortion; if he or she gets a low rating, it means they are pro-life. (I googled up some voting records from pro-life organizations but my search wasn't as fruitful as that for a pro-choice one, in case you're wondering.
Anyway, here's NARAL's voting records for the two candidates vying for House Majority Leader.
PA U.S. House District 12 John P.'Jack' Murtha Democrat 0
MD U.S. House District 5 Steny H. Hoyer Democrat 100
So, given a choice between a purely pro-life Democrat who opposed the war and a purely pro-choice one who hasn't been as vocal, the Right goes full bore in endorsing the baby killer who's softer on the Iraq War.
I hold that there is a positive and godly ideal in the pro-life position. I hold that what pundits call "conservative" these days is foreign to, if not a cynical opponent of, these godly ideals.