Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hey, you might say first episode of an animated comic strip.

Made possible by html help from some povray fans....

Friday, January 27, 2006

just goofin' with hair

just goofin' with hair
Originally uploaded by pterandon.
Trying out different spline paths for hair. I am actually thinking along the lines of a woman's hair here but it's too much work right now to paste this over to one of their heads.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Saw this one at flickr...

la sagrada domokun
Originally uploaded by shboom.
... and I think I like it. I don't know if the artist were being silly or irreverent, but I like the theme that I draw from it. That the powers of death flee in fear from the cross. Or maybe they stand around griping about it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Shameless Plug to my Other Blog

I have another blog where I am sharing other folks' photos (found at flickr) which show pretty islands and shorelines. It's a kind of geography that I'm just in love with.


Monday, January 02, 2006

Hair in povray 3.5 with Mike William's "SweepMesh.inc"

Originally uploaded by pterandon.
I made this with Mike William's include file. Each strand of hair is of pentagonal cross section and travels along a path defined by a spline. It should be even easy to make the tips of the hair bob up and down as he walks!